Thursday, January 25, 2018


Make something grow... this is the best way to achieve happiness... make something grow in your life. Find something that you want to evolve and let it grow by working hard and giving time and effort. All of your problems will go away if you're so focused on making something grow. It will make you entertained, it will make you enjoy life even more. You can push the growth or you can take it slowly, whatever works is ok. You can always find the growth, all you need is effort and dedication, all you need is belief and having the commitment to do everything to make it grow.

Let your money grow. Save it, don't spend it, make it grow everyday, every week or every month, if you can feel that it's growing then you will feel that you're getting richer and richer... it's a lot of fun, just be patient and keep on saving money, wait for it to grow bigger and bigger. One day you will see that the wait is worth it. Growing money is like a game, it's like building an empire, you'er the slave and you're the kind. You can do anything in this cycle, you can become very creative and have a lot of fun, it's a very simple and easy game. Just think about money and do something to get it.

Let your muscles grow. If you don't want to get bullied by weak people... let your muscles grow, lift weights everyday, inject steroids on your butt but make sure you will accept the consequences of cheating. Just lift any kind of weights that you can lift, do push ups, wear muscle shirts. You need to work on this, the best thing about it is you will become mentally tough because the heavier weights you lift... your will power will be on a different level. If you have a big muscle then people will become scared of you, they will respect you. Size displays confidence and intimidation.

Grow your business. Small or big business... let it grow, work hard on it, focus on it, give your time on it. Take it seriously and you will become successful, most business fails because the owner just wants money, he is not willing to put the time and effort, he is not willing to get tired. Having your own business is really cool, you are the boss, you hold your future. It's in your hands if you're going to make it successful or not. Start with a small business and make it big as it can be, be open to opportunities to make it grow, be open to take calculated risks.

I have a neighbor who keeps on building apartments. He is rich now but he started from being a small time. He only have 2 apartments before but he keeps on adding one every year. He is the only one who is building it together with his son, it's so inspiring because he work hard for it every single day, he is not rushing, he is building his empire little by little.

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