Monday, September 5, 2011

Soy Yummy Hot Taho

Hot Taho

Every Filipino loves Taho! :) It's a snack food made out of fresh soft tofu, arnibal (brown sugar syrup), and pearl sago. All of us during our childhood is awaken by mamang magtataho (male vendor of taho). And we got so excited to have our turn, we also ask for additional arnibal or sago. It's a breakfast heaven for Pinoy kids!

Soy Yummy Taho
Price and Product List

Nowadays Taho can also be found in shopping malls. My best-friend and I stopped in this Taho store in SM Fairview, the store's name is Soy Yummy. Our favorite Taho is also affordable even if it's located in malls, a regular hot taho cup costs 20.00 php.

Soy Yummy Taho

Soy Yummy is also serving Cold Taho and Flavored Soymilk. The good thing is it's clean, the ingredients are sealed in clean containers, you are sure that you're taking clean and healthy food.

Taho Ingredients
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1 comment:

Dream 500s said...

Soy milk was good and strong, although they forgot the shot I asked for vanilla. First world problems. My husband ordered a turkey sandwich in Switzerland, and roasted green peppers. He raved about, however, said he could use a touch of Dijon.

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